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Promotional Products and Uniforms in Gympie
For those looking for promotional products, branded merchandise or uniforms in the Gympie area, we’ve got you covered. As a locally owned business (Gympie Region), we know how to work with local businesses to ensure you get the best results and product possible. Here are three very popular categories of

Product In Focus: Beanies
With Winter lingering here in Australia, we’re seeing a surge in requests for a product that’s been a promotional staple for years: Branded Beanies. Even in areas typically not seen as beanie country, like Brisbane and Perth, promotional Beanies are still very popular as they are a simple, cost effective,

Working From Home Promotional Products
Working from home has become something of a way of life for many industries thanks to the evolving landscape driven by COVID-19. According to recent ABS data, nearly 41 percent of people worked from home during February 2021. So how can you, as an employer, help support those staff members,

What to look for in Branded Sports Bags
Australia is a sporting nation, with a proud heritage and fierce grass-roots competition and fun woven into the fabric of our cultural make up. As a part of that, it’s a common sight on a weekend to see kids of all ages carting around gear in their Sports Bags and

Product in Focus: Calico Library Bags
As part of our “Product in Focus” series, we are highlighting specific items that are either on sale, or offer a unique branding opportunity that we believe will be beneficial to our clients. In this case, the Clayfield Calico Library Bag is a great option as 2022 is around the

Production vs. Freight
A very commonly asked question we get from clients is: “How long will my order take?” And 99% of the time, we can give a very accurate total turnaround timeframe. However, there are some exceptions, and this plays into the concept of Production time vs. Freight time. What is “Production“?